Preventing Fatal and Serious Injuries Caused by Distracted Driving

April was National Distracted Driving Awareness Month. Let’s get serious about preventing distracted driving accidents every month. While there are many potential distractions that interfere with driving – changing stations on the radio, talking on your phone,  and eating, to name a few – texting is one of the most dangerous and common distractions.  The National Transportation Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA) says that at 55 mph, taking your eyes off the road for five seconds to send or read a text is the equivalent of driving the full length of a football field with your eyes closed. 


Although many states have laws that are intended to prevent distracted driving, the CDC reports that nine people are killed every day in the U.S. as a result of a distracted driver.  According to the NHTSA, over 3100 people (8.2% of all fatal accidents) were killed in motor vehicle accident involving a distracted driver in 2021, a 12% increase over 2020.  325,000  were injured in crashes involving a distracted driver in 2020. The injured include not only drivers and occupants of the driver’s and other vehicles, but also pedestrians and bicyclists.


The most common injuries caused by distracted driving are head trauma, broken bones and internal bleeding.  In fact, car accidents of all types are among the most common causes of traumatic brain injury or TBIs.  Even concussions, or so-called mild traumatic brain injuries, can cause years and years of debilitating symptoms, including headaches, dizziness, blurred vision, light and noise sensitivity, as well as issues with concentration, memory  and mood.


Using common sense while driving can eliminate many of the distractions that cause accidents,  preventing needless death and injury for hundreds of thousands every year.  AAA offers these ten sensible tips[1] to avoid distractions while driving:


10. Fully focus on driving. Do not let anything divert your attention, actively scan the road, use your mirrors and watch out for pedestrians and cyclists.

9. Store loose gear, possessions and other distractions that could roll around in the car, so you do not feel tempted to reach for them on the floor or the seat.

8. Make adjustments before you get underway. Address vehicle systems like your GPS, seats, mirrors, climate controls and sound systems before hitting the road. Decide on your route and check traffic conditions ahead of time.

7. Finish dressing and personal grooming at home – before you get on the road.

6. Snack smart. If possible, eat meals or snacks before or after your trip, not while driving. On the road, avoid messy foods that can be difficult to manage.

5. Secure children and pets before getting underway. If they need your attention, pull off the road safely to care for them. Reaching into the backseat can cause you to lose control of the vehicle.

4. Put aside your electronic distractions. Don’t use cell phones while driving – handheld or hands-free – except in absolute emergencies. Never use text messaging, email functions, video games or the internet with a wireless device, including those built into the vehicle, while driving.

3. If you have passengers, enlist their help so you can focus safely on driving.

2. If another activity demands your attention, instead of trying to attempt it while driving, pull off the road and stop your vehicle in a safe place. To avoid temptation, power down or stow devices before heading out.

1. As a general rule, if you cannot devote your full attention to driving because of some other activity, it’s a distraction. Take care of it before or after your trip, not while behind the wheel.




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